Monday, December 28, 2015

Affirmations for 2016

Happy New Year!

As a common cultural practice, we often make ourselves promises every new year of things we plan to do better. These resolutions commonly reflect our inner dreams, social needs, or areas that need improvement. However, most people fall short of reaching these aspirations for several reasons: time, patience, commitment, and money.

Affirmations are kind of like resolutions except they are made daily. They have a 90% chance of being implemented because they are a form of a daily reminder a person says to the self first thing every morning while looking in the mirror at his or her reflection and the last thing each evening before going to bed.

So how does one make an affirmation?  I suggest you get some index cards about the size of your hand. On each card, write one positive affirmation in your favorite color of pen saying something like the following:

I am in shape.
I am thinking clearly.
I am staying on task.
I am a loyal person.
I am beautiful.
I am positive.
I am a great friend.
I am a great mother.
I love my __________.

Remember: Say your affirmation(s) every morning upon waking up while looking in the mirror. Repeat the process right before you go to bed.

The simpler the wording is, the better. We say, "I am" because it tells the subconscious mind that this statement is already true. What we are doing in fact is reprogramming the subconscious mind to start thinking in a positive progressive way. When we truly believe something is possible, we automatically start behaving in ways that lead to the desired outcome.

As humans, most of us are prone to negative self talk. And this self-talk is the very thing that often hinders us from reaching our goals. It is not a matter of will power but belief power. Who doesn't want success and great love in their lives? But how many of us truly believe we are worthy or capable of all the great things we aspire to bring or develop in our lives?

Of course, faith and prayer help a lot too. But prayer alone is not enough.  I know dozens of Christians who pray nonstop but nothing ever changes in their lives because they refuse to take any action. The Christian God requires action and walking in faith. (Be doers not sayers-paraphrased)

Make a new goal for 2015 and replace empty unfocused resolutions with positive affirmations.

Write and share your affirmations with me. I'd love to hear to hear about them.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Introducing Charlie McGillicuddy LLC (

We live in an ultra competitive world. While some seem to thrive in it, others struggle to find their footing in an ever shifting, hard to understand employment sector.

In spite of many laws to try to protect against discrimination, we know it still exists. It is well documented that many companies start laying people off once they get to be middle aged, often replacing them with younger workers at a substantial reduction in salary, as they are "newbies".

Sadly, just about anyone can find some research study or statistics to twist to prove whatever point he or she is trying to get readers to believe. I teach a different strategy and approach to employment and job hunting.

A couple of years ago, a fusion took place between my friend and mentor, Charlie, and my ideology.

There exist literally hundreds of online and in person job and life coaches that seem to promise potential clients the sun, moon, and stars. They incorporate pop psychology, positive thinking and affirmations, and the ever-popular trending ideas that exist in society. When these are more closely analyzed, they are really nothing new but are the regurgitated ideas that can be traced back to the main fore fathers of fortune 500/business/motivational coaching.  While this information is good, it is often severely overpriced. Many clients roam between the various coaches taking all of their seminars, lectures, buying their CD's and books, and they seem to never break out of their given problem or cycles of bad fortune or misplacement in the work force. One of my closest friends actually has attended over 100 retreats and seminars from over a dozen of these motivational speakers and writers, spending well over $15,000 yet nothing has changed in his life or job situation.

Charlie and I were discussing this particular friend of mine and then we reached a decision. "There needs to be an individualized coaching service that really dissects each client's situation, personality, and the other factors in their specific field and then helps them to strengthen their weak areas and really learn how to interview." One size does not fit all in interview coaching.

Our research took us to many job interviewing web sites that were like a jungle to navigate. Buy these practice questions! Read this! Buy this! Try this! It was actually nightmarish trying to make sense of their websites and personal promotion of themselves. They were all job experts! They were all the best! We soon realized we would have to start from scratch to figure out the best way of helping potential clients.

After a year of field research and giving out hundreds of pro bono job coaching hours across many professional fields including business, engineering, science, law, academia, and medicine, we both realized there needed to be the following things present to truly help a job seeker succeed:

1) An understanding of the field he/she was trying to get employed in, especially specific companies and jobs that interested him/her.
2) An evaluation of the background, experience, skill set, and education and then showcasing the client’s strengths in his or her application, interviewing questions, and overall online presence;
3) A personality evaluation;
4) Personalized job coaching and job interviewing strategy built around THE client’s own unique needs, background, work field, and position sought;
5) Ongoing research in the contemporary job interviewing strategies used by corporations around the world including the psychology and profiling methods utilized.

So instead of trying to sell a client a pre-boxed set of IDEAS or a CULT personality behind the coaching, we decided to create the potential for a better and improved version of HIMSELF OR HERSELF that can be evolved and developed through the individualized process we have designed.

That is what Charlie McGillicuddy LLC is all about. 

Check it out at

No gimmicks. No catch phrases. No cult personalities. No feel good propaganda.